Together…amongst brothers & sisters.
Through providing Peer Support Training- we aim to promote mental wellness through education, lived experience and custom consultation.
We adhere to the 5 fundamental beliefs of peer support work:
1. Everyone has the ability to learn and grow.
2. People’s beliefs influence their behaviour.
3. People think their way through life.
4. Whatever people focus on they give power to.
5. Life’s experiences are the most powerful teacher.
There are 3 ways peer support training assists society:
1. Peers strengthen themselves as they model recovery to others.
2. Peers strengthen other as they work in a complimentary manner alongside the medical community.
3. Peers stand against stigma as they model inclusion and recovery to the general community.
The 7 unique abilities that peer support workers offer:
1.Give insight into the experience of internalized stigma.
2. Address the “you don’t know what it is like” response.
3. Identify the stages of recovery and offer helpful responses.
4. Offer the lived experience of moving from hopelessness to hope.
5. Develop a relationship of trust with peers.
6. Model positive strategies to help their peer manage their own mental health concerns.
7. Share insight and methods to promote whole-life wellness.