Face Everything & Rise
F | E | A | R (Face Everything And Rise) Sessions for the public are held weekly (in-person and online) and provides a safe, confidential environment to connect with peers for compassion, hope, support, understanding and help.
No clinical professionals.
No judgement.
No pressure.
If you, or someone you know is experiencing (or has experienced) any of the following:- Sickness, illness, accident or disability
– Medical procedure.
– Death or suicide.
– Sexual assault, abuse or domestic violence.
– Bullying, physical, verbal or emotional abuse.
– Miscarriage or NICU/PICU parents.
– Robbery or burglary.
– Adoption or seperation.
– Infidelity or divorce.
– Exposure to violent trauma.
Whether witnessed or experienced- we are here to support one another as equals.